

Experience Premier Resume Writing Services by Industry Experts

A resume is like an identity for a job seeker. Recruiters hardly spent 30 seconds on judging a resume and validating that candidate for the required position. In this case what you need is a professionally written resumes that will

 Customize your career objectives

 Highlight your credentials

 Project the areas required for the desired industry

 Provide a dynamic, branded positioning statement

 Enhance your accomplishments

 Present a resume having clear, concise, strong, convincing and error free language

Why Choose CORE For Crafting Your Professional Resume?

With over 25 years of experience in the recruitment trade, CORE Careers Pvt Ltd. stands as a seasoned expert in the art of resume writing. Our deep industry knowledge and close collaborations with hiring managers from countless companies have given us unparalleled insights into what employers truly seek in a resume. We understand the evolving job market dynamics, the latest industry trends, and the specific requirements that make a resume stand out. When you choose us as your preferred Resume Writing Partner, you’re tapping into a wealth of expertise that ensures your resume is meticulously crafted to showcase your skills, achievements, and potential. Trust our proven track record and let us transform your resume into a powerful marketing tool, positioning you for success in landing your desired job. Take the first step towards your professional growth by entrusting us to write your resume.

Text Resume Writing service

Entry Level (0 to 3 years)

This package is for all of them who have little or no experience. Usually university graduates starting their professional career or people who are just gaining some job experience.

It often appears intimidating to attempt and create resume or CV without much job experience .It often gets fiddly to know what to get rid off and what to put on your resume. In that case it is more important to highlight your accomplishments and achievements that can give you a better exposure.

Our experts guide you from germination to full bloom. Take our expert advice over the phone or via email and get your resume upgraded to professional industry standards.

Any Resume is incomplete without a Cover Letter. It explains the context of your resume and highlights you as an individual. A cover letter is like a preface to a book.

Delivery in 2 days

2499 + GST
  • Impress recruiters with a well-written resume
  • Applicant Uploads Resume In The format We Ask In
  • Highlight talents that recruiters value
  • 65+ quality checks* ensure an error-free resumption.
  • Obtain active assistance
  • We Send You Cover Letter (Wherever Requested & Paid For)

Delivery in 5 days

2049 + GST
  • Impress recruiters with a well-written resume
  • Applicant Uploads Resume In The format We Ask In
  • Highlight talents that recruiters value
  • 65+ quality checks* ensure an error-free resumption.
  • Obtain active assistance
  • We Send You Cover Letter (Wherever Requested & Paid For)

Delivery in 8 days

1599 + GST
  • Impress recruiters with a well-written resume
  • Applicant Uploads Resume In The format We Ask In
  • Highlight talents that recruiters value
  • 65+ quality checks* ensure an error-free resumption.
  • Obtain active assistance
  • We Send You Cover Letter (Wherever Requested & Paid For) Book Now

Mid Level (3 to 8 years)

When you are in the mid level of your career having an experience of three to eight years in workforce, you need a seasoned resume describing all your skills and knowledge.

At this stage of career, you have gained enough experience and accomplishments but balancing the big achievements on one hand and your key skills on other can often turn to be tricky proposition.

Our experts guide you to highlight the depth of experience / people management skills / top 3 to 5 skills acquired. Take our experts advice over the telephone or via email and get your resume upgraded to professional industry standards. Our entry level lets you highlight your achievements / knowledge in the most professional manner.

Any Resume is incomplete without a Cover Letter. It explains the context of your resume and highlights you as an individual. A cover letter is like a preface to a book.

Delivery in 2 days

2899 + GST
  • Impress recruiters with a well-written resume
  • Applicant Uploads Resume In The format We Ask In
  • Highlight talents that recruiters value
  • 65+ quality checks* ensure an error-free resumption.
  • Obtain active assistance
  • We Send You Cover Letter (Wherever Requested & Paid For)

Delivery in 5 days

2499 + GST
  • Impress recruiters with a well-written resume
  • Applicant Uploads Resume In The format We Ask In
  • Highlight talents that recruiters value
  • 65+ quality checks* ensure an error-free resumption.
  • Obtain active assistance
  • We Send You Cover Letter (Wherever Requested & Paid For)

Delivery in 8 days

2099 + GST
  • Impress recruiters with a well-written resume
  • Applicant Uploads Resume In The format We Ask In
  • Highlight talents that recruiters value
  • 65+ quality checks* ensure an error-free resumption.
  • Obtain active assistance
  • We Send You Cover Letter (Wherever Requested & Paid For) Book Now

Senior Level (8 years experience & above)

Although you have lots of experience and valuable skills, your biggest struggle will be steaming all that experience and history together into a concise and useful document.

There are many reasons why you might need a resume at this point of time. May be you haven’t updated it since years, maybe you want to alter your career objective or you want to move up to that corner chair of your office. We are ready to accept all these challenges and create a senior level resume for you.

Any Resume is incomplete without a Cover Letter. It explains the context of your resume and highlights you as an individual. A cover letter is like a preface to a book.

Delivery in 2 days

3499 +GST
  • Impress recruiters with a well-written resume
  • Applicant Uploads Resume In The format We Ask In
  • Highlight talents that recruiters value
  • 65+ quality checks* ensure an error-free resumption.
  • Obtain active assistance
  • We Send You Cover Letter (Wherever Requested & Paid For)

Delivery in 5 days

2999 + GST
  • Impress recruiters with a well-written resume
  • Applicant Uploads Resume In The format We Ask In
  • Highlight talents that recruiters value
  • 65+ quality checks* ensure an error-free resumption.
  • Obtain active assistance
  • We Send You Cover Letter (Wherever Requested & Paid For)

Delivery in 8 days

2599 + GST
  • Impress recruiters with a well-written resume
  • Applicant Uploads Resume In The format We Ask In
  • Highlight talents that recruiters value
  • 65+ quality checks* ensure an error-free resumption.
  • Obtain active assistance
  • We Send You Cover Letter (Wherever Requested & Paid For) Book Now

Unlock your potential with CORE

The key to getting your resume written right! Don’t let your resume hold you back. Get noticed by recruiters and stand out from the competition. With CORE, we understand the intricacies of crafting a winning resume tailored to your skills and experience. Don’t miss out on your dream job – take action now and let CORE transform your resume into a powerful tool that opens doors to new opportunities. Invest in your future and get your resume written by the experts at CORE today

Sample Resume Writing service


 Before:  After:
1Excessive spacing between text 1Good use of space, structured and well formatted
2Career objectives is weak and not interesting enough 2Strong career objectives which depicts eagerness and enthusiasm to raise up to challenges
3Lacks career summary 3Adequately accentuates candidates potentials
4In sufficient information 4Details information on capabilities and skills
5Unnecessary educational details 5Retained only necessary qualifications


 Before:  After:
1Paragraphed text makes it difficult to read 1Good use of bullets
2Insufficient key skills 2Detailed skills and expertise
3Uninteresting layout not eye catching 3All relevant details are appropriately highlighted, attention to relevant information
4CV Title is missing 4CV title helps recruiters understand the position being applied for at a glance
5Awards and Achievements are sidelined and down played 5Awards and achievements are highlighted in the synopsis as they show show high level of IQ


 Before:  After:
1Wastage of space; too little information; Unnecessary tabs 1Well spaced out and formatted
2Overall presentation is dull and uninteresting 2Well defined and eye catching
3Seminars, Conferences and Achievements are clubbed together in the same section 3‘Achievements’ are prime attention within Career Profile; Seminars and Conferences are effectively are highlighted in a separate section
4Unnecessary bold highlights 4Well balanced with equal importance given to each section
5In adequate information 5Well built up body; informative

FAQ ( Frequently Asked Question )

A resume writing service is a professional service that helps individuals create or improve their resumes. They provide expertise in crafting resumes that are tailored to specific industries, positions, or career levels. It is important that Experts in this Field, draft and Create your Resume for you. The details of your life maybe best known to you, but how those details are to be presented are best known to experts. A hiring manager looks at a resume for 10 seconds to 30 lacs and only well presented resumes can make a difference. Even the best candidate sometimes loses out, as his resume is badly written.

A resume writing service can significantly enhance your chances of landing job interviews. Professional resume writers have expertise in highlighting your skills, experiences, and achievements effectively, making your resume stand out from the competition.

A resume writing Expert will craft your resume for higher employability. In Simple terms if you get your resume written through experts, your chances of getting a good job go up exponentially, as experts know how to present details of your expertise in a way that catches the eye of the employer.

Sometimes its best to tailor your resume against specific job requirements, instead of presenting the same resume over and over again.

Most Job Applications don’t understand how to insert, relevant keywords for ATS (Applicant Tracking System), which is an integral part of todays job search process.

The resume writing process varies depending on the service provider / expert service, but almost all generally follow these steps:

  1. Consultation: Discuss your career goals, background, and requirements with a resume writer. The Service Provider will also ask for your resume as it is, in order to see the gaps.
  2. Information gathering: The resume writer collects relevant details, including work history, skills, achievements, and education, and most importantly, your career aspirations.
  3. Resume creation: A customized resume is developed by the writer, incorporating your input and adhering to industry best practices, making it as professionally attractive as possible.
  4. Review and revisions: You review the initial draft and provide feedback for revisions, which are incorporated and sent back to you, for your approval and acceptance, and final draft is presented.
  5. Finalization: The writer makes necessary adjustments and delivers the final, professionally formatted resume to you.

Everyone should get their Resumes Written Professionally as the Price that Resume Writers Charge is a small price to pay for the Service they deliver.

While a resume writing service can significantly improve your resume’s quality and presentation, it cannot guarantee you a job. Securing a job ultimately depends on various factors, including your qualifications, experience, interview skills, and the job market conditions. What it does to however, is ensure that your resume is not ignored by potential employers due to lack of presentability and professional presentation.

Resume writing services are not limited to active job seekers. In fact, it is advisable to utilize a resume writing service when you have ample time. Even if you are not actively job hunting, you can benefit from the services by making small edits to your resume for specific job profiles. The same agency or service provider can assist you with these edits, although they may charge a fee. Maintaining continuity with the same service provider allows you to make the most of each edit and potentially enhance your employability. Don’t underestimate the value of professional resume assistance, regardless of your current job-seeking status.

When choosing a resume writing service, consider the following qualifications:


Experience: Look for providers with a proven track record and extensive experience in resume writing and most importantly being present in the Market at the interaction level, which means recruitment agencies who actually discuss and interact with actual Hiring Managers are possibly best suited to handle your resume. No one knows what Hiring Managers are looking for, better than Recruitment agencies for the reasons assigned above.

Credentials: Check if the writers have significant experience and qualification.

Industry expertise: Ensure that the service has writers familiar with your specific industry or job function

Resume writing service costs can vary depending on the service provider, the complexity of the project, and additional services offered. Prices typically range from 3000 to 20000, but some services may charge more for executive-level resumes or rush orders. It’s advisable to request a quote and understand the pricing structure before committing to a service. Good Service Providers charge a premium in order to give the best response.

Yes, most resume writing services allow clients to make minor edits or updates to the resume after delivery. However, significant changes or revisions may require additional fees, so it’s best to clarify the service’s policy regarding post-delivery edits. Most cases resume writing companies will go out of their way to handle reasonable requests from their candidates, as they would like to help the candidates to secure a better job.

Click here now and unlock the power of a professionally written resume!